領導贏家 : 領導力21法則 /
领导赢家 : 领导力21法则/
約翰.麥斯威爾 (John C. Maxwell) 著 ; 蕭欣忠, 林靜儀合譯
- Diamond Bar, Calif. : 基石文化公司, 2000
- 240 p. : ill ; 24 cm.
Translation of : The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership / John C. Maxwell ; Nashiville, Tenn : Thomas Nelson Publishers.
The law of the lid : leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness -- The law of influence : the true measure of leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less -- The law of process : leadership develops daily, not in a day -- The law of navigation : anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course -- The law of E.F. Hutton : when the real leader speaks, people listen -- The law of solid ground : trust is the foundation of leadership -- The law of respect : people naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves -- The law of intuition : leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias -- The law of magnetism : who you are is who you attract -- The law of connection : leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand -- The law of the inner circle : a leader's potential is determined by those closest to him -- The law of empowerment : only secure leaders give power to others -- The law of reproduction : it takes a leader to raise up a leader -- The law of buy-in : people buy into the leader, then the vision -- The law of victory : leaders find a way for the team to win -- The law of the big mo : momentum is a leader's best friend -- The law of priorities : leaders understand that activity is not necessarily accomplishment -- The law of sacrifice : a leader must give up to go up -- The law of timing : when to lead is as important as what to do and where to go -- The law of explosive growth : to add growth, lead followers--to multiply, lead leaders -- The law of legacy : a leader's lasting value is measured by succession.